Thursday, February 5, 2015

First PLUS Sized Model in Sports Illustrated!!! Wait...what?

Big news today.  The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition is coming out this month!  I currently subscribe to Sports Illustrated for the first time since I was a kid.  Somehow, magically, I never received my Swimsuit edition back then.  I suspect mail fraud on the part of my mother.

Anyway, while I will certainly not complain about receiving a magazine full of babes in bikinis, I wasn't really thinking much about this episode.  Until I heard the big news about how, for the first time ever, one of the models is Plus sized! 

Now, I am going to write this post like I write most posts.  Using no research except that of my own opinion. 

When I hear Plus sized, I think Fat.  I just do.  Right, wrong, whatever.  I have no idea what the proper definition is of Plus sized.  But, when I hear about the Plus section or a plus sized model, I imagine large. 

I do NOT consider myself to be plus sized.  And, if you've seen me recently, you'll find that I have put on the pounds, once again.  While I would like to be much more fit and I know I need to be healthier, I would not look at myself and say, "Hey...I need to shop in the Plus section."  Because, I don't!  Is there a plus sized section for men, anyway?  I mean there's the "Big and Tall Store."  But, I imagine that's more for Shaq.

Moving along.  When I heard the news about a Plus sized model, I was expecting, well...a large woman in a bikini.  What I actually saw, however, was Robyn Lawley.  Here...check her out for yourself:

This is one from the SI shoot. 

So...I am confused.  This woman isn't fat.  Not even a little bit.  In fact, I think she's pretty smokin' hot.  What the heck is Plus sized, I wonder? 

I'm not trying to jump on to any kind of debate or get on a pedestal about what real beauty is.  I'll save that for the Dove commercials.  But, the fact of the matter is...I am a red blooded dude who likes babes.  Yes, I said babes.  Babes in this context is used in reference to someone who is more than just physically attractive.  Babes go past regular attractiveness and into DAAAAAAYAM! 

This woman is DAAAAAAYAM!  She's gorgeous!  Now, here is where one might say something like, "So what if she's got a little meat on her bones."  But...I can't say that here.  She looks perfect!  I can't see any ribs, there's no annoying "thigh gap" or whatever it's called.  Her smile is sparkling.  Should I go on?

What?  She has hips?  Proportionate boobs?  I don't get it. 

Plus sized has a negative connotation to it.  There's nothing negative about the way Robyn Lawley looks. I just read that Robyn is a size 10.  I don't know exactly what that means as I don't (often) wear women's clothing.  But, I guess size 10 is plus sized.

I have a feeling I know a lot of size 10 women whom I find equally beautiful.  I give them a size A+!

See what I did there...with the +?  *snort*

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